Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
BrushBoarding reaching for the sky

The Royal Air Force has struck up a partnership with Extreme Sports Zone Limited to take BrushBoarding to a range of RAF-sponsored events.

Described as a cross between surfing, skateboarding and snowboarding, users 'surf' across a ramp of brushes rotating at variable speeds that simulate surf conditions.

The RAF will be hosting a ramp at events including the Swansea Air Show, Weymouth Beach Volleyball Festival and the Newquay Rugby Surf Sevens.

Inventor Kyle Dent says; "We can alter the speed depending on the skill of the rider ultimately BrushBoarding develops balance, coordination and core strength and it can be used by anyone of any age.

"Partnering with them gives us immense product endorsement and will help significantly as we move from a period of over three years of research and development to one of marketing, sales and growth."

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